Podcast Player - Free | | |
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Player FM Podcasts | ||
News-Magazines | ||
UPDATED: 29 January 2018 | ||
REQUIRES ANDROID: 4.0 and up | ||
FILE SIZE: 16.07 M |
★★★★★ KEY FEATURES ★★★★★
😍 Got more than one phone? Player FM is in the cloud and lets you sync subscriptions across multiple devices and the web, free!
😎 Traveling without internet? Auto-download podcasts ahead so you can play them even when you're offline.
😇 Don't know what to listen to? Player FM's Discover tab recommends new and trending shows every day.
😁 Not enough space for your downloads? Store them in the SD card.
😅 Struggling to find great podcasts? Our enhanced search auto-completes as you type, and searches full descriptions and even episode shownotes.
😚 Following tons of shows? Create your own subscription categories to organize shows, e.g. comedy, morning workout, etc. You can even share them with friends.
😊 Too slow or not so audible? Player FM's advanced playback supports speed control, intelligent silence skip, and automated volume boost.
😉 Got an offline media file? Play it with Player FM and take advantage of our advanced playback controls.
😌 Binge-listening at bedtime? Use our sleep timer to stop playback and save battery as you fall asleep.
😃 Want to find podcasts you listened to last week? Access play history of all your played podcasts.
😘 Love video? Player FM supports video podcasts and our video catalog helps you find them.
😋 Tech enthusiast? Player FM integrates with many devices and platforms including Android Wear, Android Auto, Chromecast, TeslaUnread, TalkBack, Samsung Gear S notifications, LG Quick Circle™, Music Boss, Podlove Subscribe, Drivemode, RockScout and more!
Player FM Gold — Level up your daily podcast experience with these cutting-edge features:
😍 Listening on several devices? Sync your playlists, playback position & resume playback on any device including our desktop web app!
😎 A playlist for any occasion, chore or mood? Make playlists on the app & sync them across devices and the web!
😇 Got noteworthy quotes from episodes you listened to? Use the bookmark feature to note them down and play back effortlessly.
😚 Love to experiment with colors? Create your own theme with Custom Themes!
😊 Own a collection of media files you want to play on the app? They can now be imported & played on Player FM!
😉 Low on storage space? Use Space Saver to save up to 70% of podcast storage!
Player FM Pro — Podcast paradise. All the Gold features, plus the following:
😃 Your favorite episode are no longer listed? They're now auto-backed up & safe even when they're deleted by the publisher.
😋 Following lots of shows? Our cloud servers will monitor them so you get updates early & often.
😎 Looking for that show you heard before? Personalized search uses our servers to locate matching shownotes within your subscriptions and playlists.
Prices above are at annual billing rates. Local currencies may vary and local tax added in some regions.
Here's what the experts say about Player FM:
Android Central: "Just looks amazing ... packed with useful features ... tell it what you're interested in and watch it work its magic"
LifeHacker: "Guides you to smart, interesting podcasts"
Tested: "Right from the start, I found the experience of using Player FM enjoyable"
All About Android: Winner, app arena
GigaOm: "Makes podcasts look cool again"
There you go! We hope that you enjoy!
Player FM is actively developed and supported. Feel free to write to us & share your feedback and we will get back to every mail as quickly as possible. Get in touch with us at android@player.fm for any questions or suggestions.
You may also reach us via our social media accounts:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/playerfm
Facebook: http://ift.tt/2mucDnZ
Blog: http://blog.player.fm
Google Play Rating
61,956 total
App Screenshots
What's New
- - The app's language is made independent from the system language.
- All your themes and the settings with a sync indicator will be synced across all your devices. (premium)
- Bug fixes
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