PNR Status & Indian Rail info

Live Train Status, PNR Status & Indian Rail Info - Simplifying Train Travel


31 January 2018
4.0 and up
12.63 M
Get complete train travel info on Indian Railways & do Train Travel Bookings. Check PNR Status with confirmation chances, Train Status, Seat Availability with confirmation prediction, Train Time Table, train tickets enquiry, etc.

Also easily book Train tickets via Agents, Order Food for your Train trip, Book Bus tickets, Book Hotels & Budget rooms closer to station.

Check out more highlights of the RailYatri App

PNR Status with Prediction - Get notified about PNR Status change & chart preparation status.

Train running status live - Simplest and easiest way to check train running status by just providing train number. Only app to show GPS based Train Status.

Indian Railways Time Table - Download once and access Time Table for offline use. This helps to save data costs.

Platform Numbers - Find Platform number of your train. No more entering from the wrong side of the station.

Seat Availability & Ticket Bookings through Agents - Know seat availability & find out seat confirmation chances based on predictive algorithm using historical trends. Easy train ticket booking via agents. Agents can help you with expert guidance for ticket bookings.

Coach Position - Get information on coach position, seat and berth layout before you even board the train.

Manage your trips - PNR numbers from IRCTC SMS added automatically or you can create a trip by simply adding your PNR.

Fare Enquiry - Know Fare for various categories and find out station to station and catering charges break up.

Local Trains - A time saver guide for Intercity and City regular travellers in Local trains. Easy option to save the favourite route for offline access.

Medical Emergency - In case of medical emergency, you can now easily check for hospitals nearest to the stations on your route.

Book Train Tickets - Book Train tickets through authorised agents and get instant cashback for ordering food or booking hotels during your train trip.

Book Bus Tickets - RailYatris can now book bus tickets instantly through our trusted operators.

Order Food on Train - Simple and easy way to book a meal from a menu listing, guaranteed superior packaging, no minimum order and order tracking enabled.

Book Hotels near Station - Book budget hotels & Lodges near station.

Whether you are a daily commuter, a business traveler or on a vacation, this is a must have app for Indian Railways train travellers. RailYatri maintains one of the largest and most updated databases of the Indian Railways and is designed by the inventors of RailRadar - India's 1st GPS train tracking system.

All reserved, unreserved and suburban trains are covered in the application.

Awarded the best mobile app in SE Asia

Also available Local & Metro info - Kolkata, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Amritsar, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jalandhar, Katra, Pune, & Vijayawada Local Trains. Delhi Local and Metro.


- Please note that Train ticket booking is available from 8AM to 9PM on all days.
- Please note that PNR Status service is unavailable between 11:30 PM & 12:30 AM
- For any issues email us at & we will be happy to investigate any matter.


This app is not affiliated with CRIS, NTES or IRCTC.

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What's New
  • 1. Offline Train Status. Works on train with GPS.
    2. PNR Status, Seat Availability, Train Status performance enhancements.
    3. Major performance enhancement - much less use of battery, Crash & ANR Fixes.
    4. Save on Money & Time. Book through RailMall - <b>Food on Train. Bus Tickets.Train Tickets. Travel Essentials through Travel store.Best Hotels near Station. Outstation Cabs. Travel Packages </b>
    5. (New) Travel Packages - Book travel packages designed by experts.

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