Moovit: Bus Time & Train Time Live Info v5.18.2.350

Real-Time Transit: bus time, train time, subway, mapsPublic transit is an integral part of urban living. Whether you ride the train, subway, bus, light rail, or metro on a daily basis or on occasion, getting the best public transportation directions can be stressful- enter Moovit! We're a bus app, subway app, metro app all in one. Get your bus time and train time with ease so you can plan your trip with confidence. Plan a bike trip in between stations or bike all the way to your destination. If public transit can't meet your immediate needs, easily order an Uber. Your wish is our command.

Moovit guides more than 150 million users in over 2200 cities throughout the world. Commuters will find updated bus time and train time, transit maps, and, where available, real-time line arrivals based on GPS devices on-board buses, subways, and trains. Locate nearby stations, travel with on-the-go live navigation guidance, receive get-off alerts at your destination to ensure a smooth ride. This is why Moovit has been named one of the best apps of the year in 2016 and 2017 by the Google Play and App Stores, respectively.

Moovit is your personal assistant for every bus, subway, train or metro ride!

🚍 Real time arrivals. View real-time arrival updates, which are taken directly from GPS devices positioned on buses and trains. Avoid wasting time guessing train time or bus time. ..

Real time alerts. Know about issues ahead of time by receiving service alerts such as emergency or unexpected disruptions, delays, traffic jams, new construction, and more so that you can plan ahead if your bus time or train time changed.

🔔 Live Directions. Get step-by-step public transit directions with live guidance from A-to-B: Know how long you need to walk to your station, view the arrival time of your line, receive get-off alerts at your destination, and more.

📱Users reports. Moovit's users report issues found with stations, line service, and schedules so that we can inform all nearby riders about what's going on in their area.

🚩Favorite lines, stations, and places. Get easy access to lines, stations, and places you ride and visit all the time. Plus, get real-time updates if/when there are changes to your Favorite lines in case your bus time or train time is impacted!

🚴 Bike routes. Get bike routes in addition to the bus, subway, train, or metro trip plans. If you ride bikes (yours or shared) we can plan a route that includes the train or bus. Moovit will help you plan a trip that meets your transit-needs. Bike docking stations are updated in real-time. Bike trip plans are only available in supported metro areas.

🗺️ Maps view.Interested in seeing the whole picture? View all stations, routes, and lines on the transit map. Additionally, maps are available in PDF for when you're offline, or underground on the subway.

Moovit is the No.1 public transportation app in the world. We're proud to collaborate with public transit agencies across the United States, including:
MTA, NJ Transit, MBTA, SEPTA, LA Metro, SFMTA Muni, BART, Caltrain, CTA, Metra, WMATA, MTA Maryland, TriMet, Sound Transit.

You only need one app on your phone to navigate in the U.S. and across 80 countries and in 44 languages. If you'd like to know bus time and train time in London, Barcelona, Madrid, or Rome, or, if you need to find out when the last bus leaves a certain station in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Melbourne, Seoul, Moovit has you covered. You ride, we guide.


Have an idea or a question? Feel free to contact us:
moovit@Facebook, Twitter, InstagramMoovit: Bus Time & Train Time Live Info 29, 20184.1 and up16.5 M4.4Rated for 3+10,000,000 - 20,000,000We are constantly working to make your public transit experience even better. We are always searching for better routes, updating new schedules, mapping out new stations, and working behind the scenes to make sure our app works smoothly.

Every update is carefully thought out by our team with your experience in mind.

Enjoy our app? Give us a five-star rating in the Google Play Store. We would love to hear your ideas and suggestions, send us feedback via support@mooviapp.co603,043397,180111,34141,24318,89834,381DOWNLOAD APK

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