Lyft v5.31.3.1528334174

Use the Lyft app for friendly, affordable rides whenever you need a lift.Need a lift? Use Lyft to get an affordable ride in minutes. Instead of hailing a cab or waiting for the bus, just request a car with the tap of a button, and get picked up by a nearby friendly driver who'll take you to your destination right away. Enjoy a welcoming, affordable, and memorable ride today.

Our app is cheaper than a taxi, faster than the bus, and easy to use

• Getting Started: After downloading Lyft and signing up, simply open the app and request a ride.

• Paying: Never worry about having cash for a cab or the bus again — with Lyft, you pay through your phone. It's easy, fast, and secure.

• Split the Cost: Easily split the cost of a ride with friends through the app. No more IOU's.

About Our Drivers
• All Lyft drivers pass comprehensive background and DMV checks before being approved for the service.

• Drivers are rated by passengers and only the highest-rated drivers are allowed on the road.

• Lyft provides a first-of-its-kind $1M liability insurance for total peace of mind.

Join the millions who've chosen Lyft instead of a cab for commuting, going out at night, and getting to events. Next time you need a ride, skip the bus, taxi, or car service and choose Lyft.

Prices vary based on market condition.
By downloading the app, you agree (i) to receive communications from Lyft, including push notifications; and (ii) to allow Lyft to collect your device's language settings. You can opt out of receiving push notifications through your device settings.Lyft Inc.Maps-NavigationMaps-Navigation5.31.3.1528334174June 12, 20184.1 and up24.37 M4.2Rated for 3+10,000,000 - 20,000,000Thanks for choosing Lyft! To make your rides even better, we update the app regularly. It's like housekeeping: squashing bugs, cleaning up code, and other small-but-mighty improvements146,148100,73915,2707,3314,54818,260DOWNLOAD APK

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