Stremio Beta

Organize & find where to watch your favourite movies, series and video channelsGet the latest from us with the Stremio Beta app! Here we implement the latest developments. Keep in mind that this is beta version and any feedback is appreciated!

The Stremio app allows you to discover new movies, TV series and video channels.

The app also includes all Stremio specific features like Board, Library, Discover and Add-ons.

Your use of Stremio is free of charge in exchange for safely using some of your device's resources (WiFi and very limited cellular data), and only when you are not using your device. You may turn this off from the settings menu. Please see our TOS for further information.Stremio Beta 8, 20185.0 and up30.7 M4.0Rated for 3+100,000 - 200,000- Improvements for reliability and spee2,2201,315284180111330DOWNLOAD APK

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