JustSayHi - Chat, Meet, Dating

JustSayHi- Dating App. Chat & Meet Singles Nearby

Mingle LTD


23 February 2018
4.1 and up
35.95 M
Don't be shy, Just Say Hi! JustSayHi is a FREE online social chat network! With millions of single women and single men, JustSayHi is the best video dating app to meet, chat, and date local singles or meet new people around the world! We think seeing videos for profiles is the most fun way to meet and chat with real people and make new friends!

See videos and photos of people around you and around the world! Don't feel like browsing through profiles? We also have social chat rooms where you can connect and hangout with local singles or simply chat in our World Chat Room. Whether you are looking to chat with new friends, meet, or find a date with single women & single men, we have the right person for you.

Love to meet new people, make friends or find a date to hangout with tonight? It's easy! You can start by seeing video clips of singles and when you like someone, just click the heart. If they like you back, we will connect both of you. Want to help break the ice? Send them a 'Hi'! You can send unlimited messages, videos and photos to each other.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words and a video is at least a thousand pictures! We created a video based social app, because you can express yourself more accurately with videos and let your personality shine through! Finding a date is quick and easy with JustSayHi.

Our Features?
- group social chat rooms
- private inbox with photo, video and audio
- make fans (people that like you)
- or friends (people you like back)
- video and photo profiles
- FREE way to meet new friends

Why use JustSayHi?
- meet new people
- make new friends locally or globally
- generate fans
- see funny and interesting videos of people
- adult chat room, local chat room, world chat room, and many others

Tired of traditional online dating sites? Then try JustSayHi, you will love it. We have revolutionized the world of free online dating by showing videos of singles and providing chat rooms to connect you to hot singles all over the world.

Google Play Rating

 4,853 total

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  • No recent changes

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