FitNotes - Gym Workout Log | | |
| ||
James Gay | ||
Health-Fitness | ||
VERSION/BUILD: 1.20.0 | ||
UPDATED: 23 February 2018 | ||
REQUIRES ANDROID: 4.0 and up | ||
FILE SIZE: 2.85 M |
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Workout Log
- View and navigate daily workout logs quickly by swiping between them
- Navigate to a specific day using the inbuilt calendar
- Add an exercise to the workout log and record sets of weight and reps or distance and time
- Swipe across when recording sets to view your workout history with the exercise
- Attach comments/notes to sets
- Rest timer with sound and vibration options
- Re-order exercises you've added to a workout log (long press an exercise card to initiate 'edit mode' and then press and drag the blue drag icon at the top right of the card)
Exercise Database
- Includes a default selection of categories (Chest, Back, Legs, etc)
- Each category contains a small default list of exercises
- Create custom categories to better suit your training program
- e.g. Olympic Lifts, Plyometrics, Ab Training, etc
- Add new exercises quickly using 'Save and New' feature
- Two exercise types: Resistance and Cardio
- Resistance - record training in weight and reps
- Cardio - record training in distance and time
- Create a routine to provide quick access to your most commonly used exercises
- Assign exercises to a particular day within the routine
- Name a day whatever you want (Monday, Chest Day, Workout A, etc)
- Select a single exercise from a day within the routine to add it to the training log
or hit 'Log All' to add an empty set for each exercise which can then be filled in later
- Create as many routines as you want and switch between them using dropdown list
- Remembers which routine you selected last
- Dates on which you have recorded training logs are highlighted
- Tap a day in the calendar to display a popup listing the exercises performed on that day
- Navigate to a specific day's training log by selecting it in the calendar and hitting 'Go!'
- Filter which days are highlighted in the calendar
- e.g.
Highlight days where I did bench press and lifted more than 80kg for at least 5 reps
Highlight days where I ran outdoors and travelled more than 3 miles in less than 20 minutesr
- Backup your data to device storage or an online cloud service (DropBox or Google Drive - please ensure you have the corresponding apps installed on your device if you would like to backup to one of these services)
- Export your training logs in CSV format so they can be analyzed in your spreadsheet application of choice
- Modify or delete the contents of your USB storage: Required in order to be able to backup/export data to your device storage or sd card
- Control vibration: Used if you have selected the 'Vibrate' option for the rest timer
- Prevent device from sleeping: Required in order to ensure the rest timer continues to count down when the screen is off
If you have any feedback then please email
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App Screenshots
What's New
- Full change log will be displayed within the app but highlights include:
• Calendar List View can now display the sets and comments belonging to each workout providing an overview of your full training history.
• Tap a set in an exercise's training history to view more info (Estimated 1RM, Total Volume, etc).
• Share progress graphs.
• Track pace for cardio exercises.
• New setting to keep screen on during workouts.
• Plus many more additions and improvements!
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